Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nicholas Trist Talk about the treaty!!

This week reporter Andrea Quintana got the chance to interview the Chief Clerk of Cuba Sir Nicholas Trist. Here is what they said:

AQ: What made you choose to work for the president of Cuba?
NT: It was something that never occurred to me, I worked as a Chief Clerk which I still do, and after a while I started speaking to the president James J Polk and he really liked me. We later became great friends and he asked to me work for him and it turned out great.
AQ: After you worked for Mr.Polk, What happened for the friendship to end?
NT: I wouldn't say the friendship ended, it's just ended up on the wrong track. Me and Polk never wanted it to happen but as he realised that I was becoming great friends with General Winfield Scott he wasn't very happy. It was after a while that i realised that it was bothering him. Since it was during the U.S-Mexican war, I felt that I needed to be there for him.
AQ: What made you go against Mr.Polk in the U.S-Mexican war?
NT: During the war, I thought it was very unfair and a waste of time. I told him many times that there was no reason to fight for more land. He got very mad at me and I decided to make a peace treaty because it had to somehow end.
AQ: When you helped sign the treaty did you ever feel like you and Mr.Polk were almost enemy's now?
NT: No Not at all, As I was signing it I felt that I was doing the right thing and that the war could be over soon. I stayed positive and made sure that It went as it was suppose to.
AQ: Finally! how does it feel to know that thanks to you the war is over?
NT: It feel great and I hope that people know, that if you can end a war, do It.
AQ: Thank you so much Mr.Trist
NT: You're very much welcomed

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